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Home of Author Lu J Whitley

Pick Your Poison – Hellbeast Release Party

I was in the Hellbeast Release Facebook Party for Matthew William Harrill’s new book launch, and I asked:

If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring three books along with you to reread for the rest of your life, what three books would they be and why?

I mean, BloodMarked is a given, right? Right? bloodmarked

My three books would be:

  1. The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkein – It might take me the rest of my life to fully understand it, but I love it so.417AjRQ6wyL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_
  2. My Sweet Audrina by V.C. Andrews – One of the few standalones by the late, great V.C.. There’s still enough twisty turny darkness in here for a whole series!41h5oxNbI3L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_
  3. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte – I’m a sucker for the bad boy, and it all started here. Heathcliff will always be my first and favorite book boyfriend.51x++fUNS5L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

Check out the comments below for everyone’s responses. Your next favorite book is waiting!

And while you’re at it, comment with your choices here and on my post in the release party before 11:59 PM CST on 10/11 to be entered to win one of 2 signed paperback copies of BloodMarked (Or signed ARC copies of BloodStone (The Fraktioneers #2) when it’s finished if you’ve already read and reviewed BloodMarked)! Good Luck!

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Author Interview: Les Lynam

Meet the ever wonderful Les Lynam, in his first web interview with Gram Peachy.


I would like to welcome author Les Lynam to Peachy’s Insights today. Les is the author of the Time Will Tell series, a delightful series about time travel. Welcome Les!

Les Lynam profile picLL: Thank you, Gram! (Is it OK if I call you Gram? We’re probably close to the same age.) I appreciate you asking me to stop by.

GP: I believe we were born in the same year, so yes, you can call me Gram. Les, I’m sure that readers want to know more about you as a person outside of being an author, would you tell us a bit about yourself, your hobbies, favorite things to do and anything else you feel like sharing with readers.

LL: I’m a retired librarian… which makes people think all ‘bookish’ thoughts right up front, but I was the computer geek librarian. Much of my career, I was the Systems Librarian at the University…

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Author Interview: Veronica Del Rosa

An interview with Veronica del Rosa by the fabulous Grandma Peachy and guest interviewer, Jen Winters.


Jen WintersPlease welcome guest interviewer Jen Winters and author Veronica Del Rosa author of the Enforcers and Coterie (3 Book Series).

Jen: Thank you, Grandma Peachy for hosting me with Veronica today! Veronica, tell us a bit about you and your books.

Veronica Del RosaVeronica: I’m a computer geek who grew up reading romance novels. When I met my husband, I fell in love with his fantasy books, which grew into an obsession with Forgotten Realms. From there, it was natural for me to seek out paranormal romance and urban fantasy books.

As for my books, they’re classified as paranormal romance, but have a lot of elements of urban fantasy. I like to create a world that steps off the pages, takes your hand, and gives you one hell of an adventure. Along the way, you fall in love and banter with the characters.

Jen: Ok, that was for the readers who don’t know…

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Author Interview: Scott A Borgman

The wonderful Scott Bergman & the equally amazing Grandma Peachy 🙂


Scott Borgman profile picI’d like to welcome Scott Borgman who is with me today. Scott is the author of fantasy books and has two series available on Amazon. Thank you, Scott, for taking time from your busy writing schedule to visit with me.

SB: It’s wonderful to be here, thanks for having me, Grandma Peachy!

GP: Scott, I’m sure that readers would like to know a little more about you. Tell us about some of your interests outside of writing.

SB: Well, I love spending time with my family of course. I also like to poke around and find anything even remotely amusing on YouTube that gets me laughing (not difficult to do, since I have a sense of humor that borders on overactive!). I do still play the occasional video game on the PS4, though I’ve got 3 teenagers in the house so it’s kind of rare that the tv is actually…

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Cover Reveal for The Solomon Project

Jessica Wren Fiction

Good morning, and I would like to extend an invitation to join me as I launch my second novel, a paranormal dystopian/historical fiction combo called “The Solomon Project.” I started this novel for NaNoWriMo after carrying around the idea for years. I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun writing a book.

The novel revolves around Eddie Ruiz, one of the so-called “solomons” who, under a cruel social experiment called The Solomon Project, is one of the approximately 15% of males spared mandatory sterilization at birth. He is also a medium who can summon the spirits of the dead. When the inevitable consequences of The Project start to surface–jealousy and resentment that divides families, the spread of a deadly disease, and the wicked one-world government’s horrific attempt to hide The Project, Eddie, along with his spiritual guardian Queen Bathsheba, uses his powers as a medium to summon The project’s namesake…

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Book Reviews ARE Important!


It has been about 10 months since I became involved in the Indie Author Community. My first involvement was to simply share posts for my daughter’s first published novel. She became more involved in the social media connections with other authors. There were several Facebook events that she participated in, her ‘parties’ as she called them. She invited me and the first couple I really was not interested in ‘attending.’ However, about the third I hung around looking over her shoulder and the fourth I actually participated. book memeThat was a really fun event, the dialog in the posts was fun, entertaining and enlightening in regard to Indie Authors in general. I found them to be a mutually supporting and congenial community. There wasn’t competition between authors. Instead I discovered they are a lot like the groups of quilters I’ve been a part of for some time. Encouraging, helpful, sharing and developing…

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Time for the Lost Cover Reveal

Beautiful cover for a new novel by a wonderful author, Chess Desalls!

Chess Desalls

TFTL Cover RevealCalla’s disappearance leads her family and friends to suspect that she’s lost. In a desperate attempt to find her, Valcas seeks help from a man he betrayed. A new search begins, one that sounds promising, even if it forces Valcas to confront his past.

The travel team reunites for a mission they never saw coming: a journey to a world caught between life and death, and hidden within the deepest recesses of time. Ivory rediscovers a friend and Ray learns the meaning behind his tattoo. But the connections they make between travelers and the lost may twist the core of the Time and Space Travel Agency inside out.

Time for the Lost is the third installment in The Call to Search Everywhen serial series.

Catch up with Calla and Valcas’ adventure before the third book releases in February 2016!

series graphicAmazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ iTunes ~ Audible

About the…

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BloodMarked Kindle Countdown Deal!


Thank you guys for being so patient with me through the past few weeks and the problems with my website. I’ve finally decided to throw in the towel and go with a new hosting company.

As a thank you for everyone putting up with me, I’ve decided to run a Kindle Countdown Deal for anyone who still needs a copy of BloodMarked before the second book is released. Which will (fingers crossed) be pretty soon! October 1st-2nd you can get a copy for 99 cents and October 3rd-4th it will be $1.99 before it goes back up to the regular price of $2.99! Or,
as always, you can read it for free on Kindle Unlimited!


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Amazon Ranking: ★★★★★ 4.6/5

Happy October and Happy Reading!

#FreeIndieFriday: The DCI Jones Casebook

Crack the case this #FreeIndieFriday with Kerry J Donovan’s Mystery novella, The DCI Jones Casebook: Raymond Collins


The DCI Jones Casebook: Raymond Collins is the first in Kerry J Donovan’s Detective Mystery series starring Chief Inspector David Jones. And right now, you can get it for FREE! Continue reading “#FreeIndieFriday: The DCI Jones Casebook”

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